Kill Restaurant Flies

Typical kitchen of a restaurant
Restaurant flies present a serious risk to hygiene. Unfortunately, restaurants are a perfect breeding ground for flies. There is plenty of food, moisture, and breeding areas available for restaurant flies to continue their life cycles.
Breeding Grounds
Most restaurant flies actually perpetuate their lives in the drains of your restaurant. There, the habitat is prime for reproduction. The flies live on the organic material that coats the inside of your drains, and the moisture is perfect for preserving eggs until they can hatch.
These drains and sewers, lined with all kinds of organic materials, also are contaminated with all kinds of bacteria. Restaurant flies, with their furry bodies and wings, carry these contaminants on their bodies when they fly out of the drains. From there, they can spread disease everywhere they land.
Chemical Treatments
Chemical treatments can go only so far in ridding your business of restaurant flies. The chemicals may kill flies and even larvae on contact, but the eggs, deep within the drain and protected by the organic material that surrounds them, will not be affected by chemicals. In fact, the chemicals will be long gone before the eggs ever hatch. Then, you have a new infestation of flies to deal with.
Another problem with chemical treatments is the contact with food preparation surfaces. This is simply not acceptable, and can present its own threat to your business. You may have to shut down for a number of hours, until the chemical has time to work. Then, you have to come back in and thoroughly wash away the chemical before you open for business.
The odor from chemicals is also a turn-off for customers. They don’t want to smell chemicals any more than they want to shoo flies away from their food and drink.
Steam Treatments
Steam treatments, on the other hand, open up a whole new option for dealing with restaurant flies. With our patent pending steam treatment, the flies, their larvae, and the eggs are all killed without use of any kind of chemicals.
Our steamer seals your drain and injects high-temperature steam into your drain, killing even the eggs that are hidden. This breaks the reproductive cycle of restaurant flies, eliminating them from your restaurant. If you keep your counters and chopping blocks clean and all food refrigerated, you can keep them from recurring for quite a while. Since they do migrate, you may have some restaurant flies return, but they can be eliminated just as the swarm before was eliminated.
Call us today to purchase your own steamer, or to schedule a steam treatment from one of our qualified operators. This safe, odor-free steam treatment is non-toxic. You can trust this steam treatment to kill your restaurant flies and their eggs.