Kill Fruit Flies
You can kill fruit flies with a simple treatment that presents no threat to you and your family. Steam is the answer to controlling fruit flies.
Alternative Treatments
You probably have tried just about everything to get rid of fruit flies in your home or business. Since they are attracted to fermentation, many people will use vinegar to attract the flies, hoping that they will drown in the liquid.
Other people place vinegar in their oven, attract flies into that appliance, then turn the oven on and kill the flies.
If you go to the source, you need to treat drains. Also check that your trash is sealed up, and there is no fermentation taking place in your foodstuffs.
But, there is a much more reliable, and less messy way to kill fruit flies
Steam is the best and most reliable way to kill fruit flies. They don’t just live in fruit. In fact, they usually begin their reproductive cycles in your drains. That’s right, the moisture and organic material in your drains is the perfect breeding ground for fruit flies. With our patent-pending steam process, we can seal your drains, and inject high-temperature steam. This will not only kill the fruit flies, but it kills their eggs, too, breaking the reproductive cycle.
Steam Vs. Chemicals
Fruit flies can travel for miles. So, once you eliminate them from your home or business, you may have a new swarm make their home in your drains again in a few weeks. However, another steam treatment will eliminate them, along with their eggs.
Chemicals don’t stay in your drains for very long. They will kill the adult flies and their larvae, but they won’t be there when the eggs hatch. This allows the fruit fly infestation to continue, even though you have had costly chemical treatments.
You may also find that the chemicals have an offensive odor. This is bad enough in your home, but if you run a business, it can be devastating. Diners and drinkers don’t want that offensive chemical smell any more than they want to shoo flies away from their food and drink.
However, steam is safe, odorless, and eco-friendly. The heat from the steam kills the eggs, and the cycle is broken. You can trust steam treatment to eliminate your resident fruit flies, and to eliminate any new swarms that migrate to your drains.
Contact us today to purchase your own steam treatment machine, or to schedule an appointment for treatment. We will come and eliminate the fruit flies from your drains.